Google on AutoPilot

According to someone called “KiwiRob”, Google is now automating the processes where they suspend Google Ads accounts. Which means when the machine learning gets is wrong, there is no way to argue.

A scary glimpse at a future where big tech trusts (cheaper) machines instead of humans, for no reason other than to make more hundreds of millions that sit in the bank.

The trend is clear. Google aims to automate ad campaigns, automate policy enforcement and remove all paid humans from support. The only staff they will need are those who conjure up ways of increasing revenue from exisiting advertisers. If you were wondering if Google removed their “don’t do evil” motto for a reason, consider this, which is just one of their tricks:

Google deliberately, by default, serves ads for your small local business to people overseas, without you electing to do so, or knowing. And the removal of the report, which perhaps increases revenue by 0.1%, is an example something that the remaining humans will think up.